Leadership Skills Profile


Purpose: To assess leadership skills

Administration: 40 minutes – Individual and group
Scoring: Online
Categories: Positions that require assessment of leadership skills

Features: Analyses strengths and weaknesses on dimensions of expected job performance


The LSP is a unique, empirically based selection assessment for managers and executives that predicts work and leadership-oriented behaviour. The LSP predicts future 360 degree feedback ratings. The LSP assesses the following dimensions:

  • Interpersonal Managerial Skills
  • Personal Managerial Qualities
  • Teamwork, Supervision, Planning and Productivity
  • Cognitive Managerial Skills

The report provides profiles of expected job performance in 42 areas critical for effective leadership. It also provides narrative text discussing the implications of one’s personality on the job.

The LSP can be used for pre-hire assessment for selection and placement of executives/managers, succession planning, determining promotability of managers/executives, and managerial/executive coaching.

Please contact AuStrategies for details and costs.

Comments or questions are welcome.

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